Group photo of Cottonwood Public Library volunteers.

Photo taken at the 2017 Library Volunteer Appreciation Event and includes a mixture of library staff and volunteers.

Volunteer Impact - Monday, April 26, 2021

Volunteers are well trained to keep the nuts and bolts of our library oiled and running smoothly, but did you know they are also a panel of experts? Among our volunteers we have teachers, government employees, librarians, artists, gardeners, engineers, business people, world travelers, and many more areas of skills and expertise. Our younger volunteers bring fresh ideas and their developing skills in emerging careers such as information technology, and new perspectives in traditional areas. This means you have a living research team at your fingertips, a network of people you can approach on any topic you can imagine, knowing that at least one of them will have the answer or the resources to find what you need: College research papers, financial questions, how to write a will, a resume, a business letter, how to find the right doctor or advocate, how to work a computer or smart phone, or how to find resources in the community are just some examples of the information they have access to.

Volunteers can tell you where to find the best steak (or how to cook it!), take friends on a local hike, or hear live music. They can help guide you to identify plants, understand the history of the Verde Valley, discuss a piece of art, or learn another language. And as representatives of the community, volunteers know many local businesses and resources you may not even be aware of. And of course, if you’re looking for the next great book to read, a volunteer can lead you to it.


Our volunteers are a wealth of information and they are here giving their time and energy for you. So next time you have question, burning topic, or unanswered need, don’t hesitate to come into Cottonwood Public Library and find a volunteer to guide you to the answer.

You may find you get something even more valuable in the process.